The story of To the Beautiful You, distributed over 16 episodes, centers on Goo Jae-hee (Sulli), a Korean girl who lives in the United States. She is bullied in school due to her looks and nearly decides to drop out of school. One day, she sees a track and field competition on TV, and becomes attracted to one of the high jump competitors, Kang Tae-joon (Choi Min-ho). She begins to idolize the young athlete, and is inspired to participate in sports and to stand up against her foes. She eventually transfers to Korea to attend the same school that Tae-joon, who has recently suffered an accident that could potentially end his career. There is a catch, however: Tae-joon attends an all-boys high school, Genie High School, so Jae-hee cuts her hair short and disguises herself as a boy to enter the school.
On 10 March 2011, SM Entertainment announced that they had acquired the rights to the manga, "Hana Kimi" and would be filming its Korean adaptation. Representatives revealed, "The Korean version will have a total of 16 episodes that draw out stories of hopes and dreams. It's a teenage comedy with a cute, but strong storyline and a slew of handsome cast members."[5][6]
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According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the premiere episode achieved a nationwide rating of 7.4 percent in viewership, behind its rival Arang and the Magistrate on MBC with 13.3 percent for its premiere episode and 19.4 percent for Bridal Mask on KBS.[20] 2ff7e9595c