Language proficiency profiles are recorded using a sequence of 4 digits, with plus indicators if/when applicable, to represent the four language skill areas, and those skills will be listed in the following sequence: Skill L Listening; Skill S Speaking; Skill R Reading; Skill W Writing. This four-digit number will be preceded by the code letters SLP to indicate that the profile shown is the Standardised (S) Language (L) Profile (P). (For example: SLP 3321 means level 3 in listening, level 3 in speaking, level 2 in reading and level 1 in writing). The highest level of proficiency is level 5, and the lowest level of proficiency is level 0.
While they do enjoy movies together, a more common family scene is for the four of them to cuddle while listening to an audio book that Bob has downloaded from the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped BARD site.
Fce Listening Speaking Skills 2 Teacher's Book Download