The monster that was best integrated into Wildspace may have been Douglas Niles' hadozee, a "deck ape" who later showed up in CGR1: The Complete Spacefarer's Handbook (1992). However, there's no doubt that the most famous monster in the "Spelljammer Appendix" is Roger E. Moore's giant space hamster. This monster had been revealed by the design of the gnome spelljammer ship, which looks like it has a paddlewheel. There's no air in Wildspace, so Grubb was asked what purpose the paddlewheel had. He quickly replied that the paddlewheels were "giant hamster wheels". Moore thought the answer hilarious, and so designed the giant space hamster for the "Spelljammer Appendix". Years later, a "miniature giant space hamster" called Boo appeared in the Baldur's Gate (1998) video game.
Spelljammer Monstrous Compendium Pdf 25